Samagra Vikas facilitated through Panchamukhi Shikshana

The vision of Rashtrotthana Parishat and RVK is – “Swastha-Susthira Samajanirmaana”

The main goal of education is to shape a well-rounded personality, elevating individuals from basic instincts to divine human qualities. It should equip children for material prosperity and Adhyatmik Anand. Education should instil the qualities of Paripurna Manav depicted in Bharatiya Sanskriti through Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

Human personality comprises five Koshas (layers):

  • Physical – Annamaya Kosha
  • Psychological – Praanamaya Kosha
  • Emotional – Manomaya Kosha
  • Intellectual – Vigyanamaya Kosha
  • Spiritual – Anandamaya Kosha

Uniform and complete development of all five aspects of human personality can happen only through integral education or Panchamukhi Shikshana that achieves Panchakoshatmak Vikaas or Paripurnata of Manav.

At RVK, we follow Panchamukhi Shikshana, an education system encompassing five key aspects to ensure Samagra Vikas (holistic development) in our children.

Panchamukhi Shikshana - The Five-Pronged Education

The five-fold Panchamukhi Shikshana integrates physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual activities into the school curriculum, aligning with the NCERT syllabus for comprehensive child development.

Most schools focus on training a child to take examinations. Education for life beyond examinations and empowerment to ennoblement is often considered extracurricular.  However, learning is only meaningful when it prepares a child for life. The Panchamukhi Shikshana addresses this need. At RVK, we have successfully integrated learning with the Panchamukhi qualities, linking curriculum to life skills and personal development.

Development of Annamaya and Pranamaya Kosha - Physical
  • Develop physical strength by engaging in games and sports
  • Build flexibility and stamina by incorporating yoga
  • Develop healthy living habits by providing good nutrition
  • Practise hygiene and personal health by emphasising cleanliness and personal well-being.
  • Develop Prana Shakti and Indriya Shakti through systematic and structured Ashtanga Yoga practice.

Globally, people perceive physical education (PE) and sports as less critical for a child’s education than intellectual development. However, physical development forms the foundation of education and is vital for overall well-being and enjoyment.

RVKs’ physical fitness programs, including games and martial arts, are complemented by ensuring a balanced diet for proper growth and nourishment.

Development of Manomaya Kosha - Psychological

Psychological development is essential for overall growth. A positive and focused mind is crucial for achieving goals in life.

  • Understand the behaviour of Manas.
  • Train the Manas to handle negativity.
  • Purify Manas by removing defilements – Arishad Varga: Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya.
  • Learn concentration and active detachment.

Engaging in practices like Ashtanga yoga and meditation cultivates a peaceful, strong, and balanced mind, which we can easily direct towards larger goals and higher visions.

RVK’s systematic and structured yoga classes promote harmony of the body, mind, and spirit, equipping students with the skills to plan, prepare, and forge their future.

Development of Manomaya Kosha - Emotional
  • Develop strong bonds with self, family, society, nation, humanity, and the universe.
  • Take pride in our rich, vast and ancient cultural heritage.

“Actions are mighty, thoughts are almighty” – Swami Vivekananda.

Emotional development encompasses “Manomay Kosha,” focusing on aspects related to the mind. Thought, the root of all actions, is influenced by the behaviour of the mind. Manomay kosha deals with managing emotions and building positive social relationships. Developing the mind is crucial for building a robust Emotional Quotient (EQ).

At RVK, we nurture students’ emotional well-being via dance, drama, music, art, and cultural activities, instilling a deep sense of love, loyalty, and patriotism in them.

Development of Vidnyanamaya Kosha - Intellectual
  • Developing deep strength in observation, analysis, synthesis, abstract thinking, logical reasoning, problem-solving, imagination, creativity and language skills

“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already existing in man” – Swami Vivekananda.

Our intellect allows us to think independently, discern between good and evil, and make logical decisions by analysing situations. Intellectual development goes beyond memorisation and cracking exams. It involves equipping the child to assimilate, process, understand, and create wisdom. The emphasis should be on developing these faculties through the NCERT curriculum.

Progressing towards Anandamaya Kosha - Spiritual
  • Understanding the true goal of life – the path of happiness – “Sat-Chit-Anand”.
  • Understand various paths to ‘Oneness with Universe’ – “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”

The essence of spiritual development is: to be born human, live a humane life and grow as divine!

Spiritual development unveils the inherent divinity within a child, guiding them to realise and manifest their true nature—Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). Spiritual Education aims to transform human life into divine life, fulfilling the adventure of existence in human form on earth.

RVK provides a serene and spiritually nurturing environment through regular prayers, chanting shlokas, Bhagwad Geeta, and Veda mantras.

Academic Support

The academic support at our institution is comprehensive, involving various resources and strategies dedicated to student success.

  • Our academic team guides planning, sets goals, and addresses student concerns.
  • An academic core committee, including the state academic coordinator and subject mentors, offers continuous mentoring and evaluation.
  • We ensure age-appropriate curriculum planning, activities, and learning materials focusing on specific subjects and study skills for teachers and students.
  • Workshops cover effective teaching, study strategies, and time management. Additionally, we conduct sessions for worksheet and exam paper preparation.
  • We also conduct programs and webinars to enrich and update information and technical skills.

Curriculum & Pedagogy

The school follows the CBSE curriculum, emphasising the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills via experiential learning, play, and group activities, ensuring a joyful learning experience.

  • Panchamukhi Shikshana : Through our distinct Panchamukhi Shikshana approach, we facilitate the holistic development of students across five essential domains: intellectual, emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual facets of their personality.
  • Culture : We infuse Indian culture, heritage, and moral values, instilling a deep appreciation and pride in their cultural roots and identity. Core subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and languages (Sanskrit, Hindi, Kannada), all taught with a structured approach promoting conceptual understanding, logical thinking, and practical application.
  • Multilingualism : Students are introduced to four languages—English, Kannada, Hindi, and Sanskrit—from 1st grade, nurturing cognitive skills and cultural awareness. Innovative methods enhance their multilingual learning experience.

Alumni Rashtrotthana Outgoing-students Organisation to Transform Society (ROOTS) - Nurturing Lifelong Connections

The legacy of quality education is best reflected when ROOTS members continue their association with the school after graduation. ROOTS plays a crucial role in providing valuable support to current students long after completing their formal education.
  • 946 alumni from JGRVK have succeeded in diverse fields such as medicine, engineering, information technology, law, and entrepreneurship worldwide.
  • ROOTS members continue to support JGRVK by offering career advice, mentorship, and financial aid as needed. They were a huge source of support for the school’s isolation centres during the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing cash and other resources as needed.
  • ROOTS students actively participate in various school programs, including Blood Donation Camp, Prathibha Pradarshan, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, Sports Day, and Independence Day. Some have presided as chief guests and judges at various JGRVK events.
The goal of ROOTS at JGRVK is to facilitate ongoing open communication and cultivate a sense of connection to the institution.
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